Nitro Men Snowboard Boots Skylab Tls (Black)

Nitro Men Snowboard Boots Skylab Tls (Black)

Hersteller: NITRO
Modell: 1221-848621

EUR 429.80 *
Content 1 piece
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Available at short notice, delivery in 4-5 days


All-mountain performance - equipped for splitting!

The Skylab TLS is designed for slopes and splitboarding missions. It is the lightest splitboarding boot on the market and has such a great fit that it will become your all-mountain snowboarding boot in the area. Let's face it, most people only go splitboarding a few times a season, so it would be great to have a versatile boot like the Skylab that works great in the area as well as in the backcountry.

Designed for everyday use, but equipped for splitboarding

Built to shine on the groomed slopes and mark your splitboarding trail. The Skylab TLS boot is lightweight and durable in all the right places to make it splitboard compatible. But more importantly, it offers a fantastic fit for any day on or off the marked trails. The Vibram® ECOSTEPTM compound outsole, 3D Flyknit material in the toe box, and Molded Spine protector provide the durability and protection everyone needs when splitboarding. The reinforced e-foam® Toe Cap allows the use of soft crampons when climbing on slippery or icy surfaces. In addition, the Internal Ankle Support and Hike `n` Ride construction provide reverse flex in the back of the boot when you are in your bindings in ascent mode, making uphill climbs more comfortable and efficient. All of these features make the Skylab the lightest snowboard split boot on the market. The essence of the Skylab, however, is that it offers an everyday fit and response to enjoy every day on your local mountain. The Skylab is the perfect boot for all snowboarders who are looking for a lightweight all-mountain snowboard boot to go splitboarding with! Designed for everyday use, but equipped for splitboarding, with record-breaking minimal weight.


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