Nitro Mannen Snowboard Boots Club Boa Dual (Brown-Black)

Nitro Mannen Snowboard Boots Club Boa Dual (Brown-Black)

Hersteller: NITRO
Modell: 1221-848607

EUR  389,80 *
Inhoud 1
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PVC free Benzene freeCoated Synt.: 64%; Synt Textile: 20%; Heel PVC compound: 16%.30% Vulcanized Rubber Outsole + 70% EVA midsole/outsole100% TextileThe Nitro Club Boa® snowboard boot is perfect for snowboarders looking for all-day comfort with a precise fit that can be dialed in with the Dual Boa® fit system, engineered to offer a smooth all-terrain flex built to last. The Nitro Club Boa® snowboard boot is designed for snowboarders looking to hit every run on the trail map and demands a fast, effortless, and precision fit. The Flex Link Design and Molded Spine Protector provide the sure foothold and comfortable medium flex needed for jibbing through the marked runs. Simultaneously, the Rubber Impact Panels and EVA Outsole offer lightweight durability for hiking and exploring your local or foreign trail map. The Dual Boa® fit system's convenience and reliability will provide peace of mind for those riders looking for a dialed fit and lockdown hold all day long. Warm and comfortable feet are a sure thing thanks to the Cloud 5 Liner, Solo Ortholite® Footbed, and Re/Lace Liner Locker system, which also offers a quick retighten feature for added convenience. If you are looking for a snowboard boot that has the well-known "Nitro Fit," equipped with the recognizable Dual Boa® fit system, a perfect medium flex, and will last - then join the club and step into a pair of Nitro Club Boa® boots. Special features Eva Outsole Rubber Impact Panels Flex Link Design Dual Boa® Fit System Molded Spine Protection Cloud 5 Liner ILS Liner Lacing Re/Lace Liner Locker Solo Ortholite® Footbed Response Rating: 6 Size and Colors Size: US Men‘s: 7 - 14 Mondopoint: 25.0 - 32.0 EU: 38 2/3 - 48 UK Men’s: 6 – 13 Colors: Black/White, Gravity Grey/Black


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